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FAQs about Stephen Ministry


Q: Who do Stephen Ministers help?

A: Stephen Ministers care for people who are facing

any difficulty, such as:

  • Grieving

  • In a crisis

  • In need of long-term care

  • Dying

  • Hospitalized

  • Divorcing

  • Experiencing losses as they age

  • Struggling with infertility or loss of a child

  • Parenting difficulties

  • Family and friends of people in crisis

Q: Are Stephen Ministers Counselors?
A: No, they are are congregation members trained by their Stephen Leaders to offer care to people who are hurting. A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and meets with that person once a week for about an hour. 


Q: What does the process look like for getting help?
A: Care receivers [those who are seeking help] first meet with a pastor or Stephen Leader, who assesses their need for care and matches them with a Stephen Minister. The caring relationship lasts for as long as the need persists.


Q: What Kind of Oversight Do Stephen Ministers Have?
A: Stephen Ministers are supervised, engaging in twice-monthly meetings to ensure that they are providing the best-quality Christian care.


Q: Who Will Know About My Problems?
A: Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. What a care receiver tells a Stephen Minister remains confidential. Even in supervision, the names of care receivers and specific details are never discussed.


Q: Will I Hear From a Stephen Minister Without Asking for One?
A: Stephen Ministers do not make cold calls. They are assigned only to people who agree to receive the care of a Stephen Minister.

Q: What if I'm not a member of the church, or not a Christian? Can I still get care?
A: Absolutely! Stephen Ministers are trained and supervised by the ministry at Rhea's Mill, but they are available to anyone in the community, from any faith background, and are ready to help you in your time of need.


Q: Is there a cost associated with getting care?
A: Not at all. Our care team isn't compensated in any way, but gladly volunteer their time and experience to those in need. 


Q: When and where do I meet with my Stephen Minister?
A: Our Stephen Ministers are flexible and willing to meet in various times, places, or formats [in person, or virtually if you aren't able]. You and your Stephen Minister will coordinate to find the best time and place for your ongoing support. 

Holding Hands

Stephen Ministry Is Built to Last


You’ll find Stephen Ministry in congregations from more than 180 Christian denominations, across the U.S. and Canada and in 30 other countries.


Stephen Ministry is built to last—going strong for decades in hundreds of congregations.

Since Stephen Ministries St. Louis was founded in 1975:


  • More than 13,000 congregations have enrolled in Stephen Ministry.

  • More than 75,000 pastors and lay leaders from those congregations have been equipped at Leader’s Training Courses.

  • More than 600,000 laypeople have received Stephen Minister training.

  • More than one-and-a-half-million people have had a Stephen Minister to walk with them, providing one-to-one Christian care during tough times.

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