We use PayPal as a secure & simple online giving system which allows you to give using a debit or credit card, or your Paypal account.
Please provide a comment ("Write a note") if you wish to designate your gift for a specific purpose other than what is listed on the form.
If you're designating your offering in more than one way, or paying for more than one event, please complete separate transactions for each item in order to ensure your intentions are understood.
To make your offering recur automatically each month,
check the box next to “make this a monthly donation.”
Your giving will continue to support spiritual and physical needs via these local and global organizations we are joyfully partnering with this year:
Campus Crusade for Christ
Paul Liu Ministries in China
East West Ministries in Kazakhstan
Cooperative Outreach of India
Operation Mobilization
Zion’s Hope
Cornerstone NCT (Prosper)
Shiloh Place
Hope Women’s Center
Embrace Texas
Collin Baptist Association